Sifu lane has 40 years of experience in the Martial Arts. Lanes Tiger and Crane academy is a fully equipped school complete with heavy bags, classical Chinese weapons, wooden dummy, and a clean friendly environment.
What is Gung-Fu?
Gung-Fu is an art of self-defense whose roots began in China over 2000 years ago.
What does Gung-Fu Training Consist of?
Students learn & perform solo exercises which simulate combat with an imaginary opponent. Intermediate pupils engage in prearranged sparring routines which require the mutual cooperation of two practitioners. Free sparring and the study of weaponry is an optional part of the advanced students program.
How can Gung-Fu Training Benefit my Health?
Fitness programs of today stress “continuous action exercising”. Jogging, for instance, can promote vigor and stamina, improve blood circulation and lung power, lower blood pressure and strengthen the heart function. Gung-Fu training gives the same objectives, with one difference: you study an art form, learn self-defense, and study a different culture. Mental concentration in Gung-Fu also aids in relieving the stress and tensions of our time. Men, women and children of all ages can benefit from Gung-Fu training.
What is Siu Lum?
Siu Lum (Shaolin in Chinese Mandarin) was an ancient Buddhist temple, believed to be the center of China’s boxing activity. The systems are many. In the 16th century, Siu Lum Gung-Fu was systematized into the “Five Forms Fist set”, a series of fighting tactics based on the mannerisms of five animals: the tiger, crane, leopard, snake, and dragon. In our school, the primary method or style of Siu Lum Gung-Fu taught is Hung Kuen Fu Hok Pai (Tiger-Crane).
Choy-Li-Fut style is available through workshops and seminars.
Does Gung-Fu have a Ranking System?
No. However, certificates of proficiency are awarded to those completing our different levels of proficiency.
Methods of Practice:
Lane’s Tiger & Crane Gung-Fu Academy utilizes four methods of practice: Solo Fist Sets, Prearranged Sparring sets, Free Style Sparring and Traditional Weaponry.
Solo Fist Sets
Fist sets are the library of knowledge from which the student extracts their offensive and defensive techniques; they are the heart and soul of Siu Lum Pai Training. All routines are choreographed into rhythmic motion to simulate combat response against multiple opponents.
Traditional training of this nature was designed to develop the body, mind and spirit into a well-coordinated unit. In this way it enables the practitioner to respond to every conceivable type of attack.
Fist sets are a result of the trial and errors of many ancient ancestors in this line of Gung-Fu. To the Chinese people, learning is cumulative. By practicing the fist sets, the fighting knowledge of the past can be learned hundreds of years after the death of the originators. A wide range of development and understanding can be learned through the exercise of these classical forms. Some are designed to develop power, others, fluidity and eventually, a balance internally and externally. Some sets are performed slowly, while others are performed fast. Each set has its own strengths and no set is superior to another.
Home training is vitally important, because learning a fist set can be simple, while mastering it is not, due to limited class time. Those that wish to progress rapidly must take time each day to work out their routines. Siu Lum Pai students should practice their sets repeatedly every day, or at least as often as possible. ”Gung-Fu” means skill achieved through hard work.
Remember this: “Fist Sets = Hard Work = Skill Achieved”
Two Man Sparring Sets & Freestyle Sparring
Two man prearranged sparring sets are another important part of Gung-Fu training. The meaning of Gung-Fu techniques are revealed to its practitioners through the practice of two man sets. Freestyle sparring incorporates all techniques in a fluid, free-flowing situation.
The ancient weapons of yesteryear might seem strange to most people. After all, the swords and spears of the past are defenseless against the firearms of today. As a military device, therefore, Gung-Fu weapons are outdated and obsolete.
In this age, the true purpose of weapons training is that of self-development. By developing timing, coordination, speed, strength and stamina, the classical weapons forms contribute to and enhance physical development.
Weaponry is an important part of the Gung-Fu heritage, and through weapons training, today’s practitioner maintains a cultural link with the founders and ancestors of Gung-Fu.